Pediatric Otolaryngologist and Cappuccino Connoisseur Talks About Work-Life Balance

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This episode of The Black Doctors Podcast features Pediatric Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon Dr. Adam Johnson . He joins us to share his circuitous route to medicine, including a PhD he earned along the way. Dr. Johnson is an easy-going guy and we know you’re going to love this episode. His story will certainly provide encouragement for students wondering how they can balance extracurricular activities with a rigorous courseload.

Dr. Johnson talks abou t his unique practice as a Pediatric ENT surgeon in Arkansas and how he sometimes commutes via private plane to see his patients in rural areas. He also talks about giving back on a global scale through medical missions work. Finally, we chat about one of his pastimes, “Dr. Cappuccino .”

If you or someone you know is interested in the field of ENT Surger? Have you considered earning a PhD or an MD/PhD? Please listen to and share this episode. If you receive value from the show, please share, subscribe and leave a comment.

TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. In-house music and audio production, so any ideas for improvements or suggestions for future guests are welcome. Visit to learn more about our host. He is available for consultations or speaking engagements regarding health equity and medical ethics.