The Paramurse Shares His Story: From the Firehouse to CRNA School

This week I sit down with Everett Moss , and emergency and critical care nurse, paramedic and student registered nurse anesthetist. We have received many requests to feature a nurse anesthetist and Everett joins us to share his incredible journey, from starting as a volunteer firefighter to becoming a flight paramedic to becoming a nurse.

  • Learn about pre-hospital care (EMTs and Paramedics)
  • Learn about the role of flight nurses/flight paramedics
  • Everett shares advice for applying to CRNA school
  • Learn about Diversity CRNA, and incredib le resoure for nurses interested in becoming CRNAs.

*This episode is sponsored by EmpathIQ , a company focused on relationship management for clinicians. Visit their website to learn more and receive a discount for mentioning this show. 

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