TBDP S1:E3 A Psychiatrist Discusses Mental Health and Resilience


In episode three of The Black Doctors Podcast, Dr. Bianca Busch discusses her pathway to becoming a Psychiatrist. We discuss programs for building resilience and community for minority resident physicians. Dr. Busch shares about specific obstacles she overcame, including the dreaded standardized tests. We wrap up by discussing relationships in medicine. Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a Psychiatrist? Are you interested in building a support system at your medical school or residency program? This episode provides inspiration and reinforces the old saying, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”  

Listen and share. Subscribe so you will be among the first to receive weekly episodes. Next Monday I chat with Dr. David Rhoiney, who worked his way from the streets of Compton to the United States Naval Academy. He shares his story and talks about his career as a General Surgeon who specializes in robotic surgery. 

TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. I personally produced and edited the music and audio. I welcome any ideas for improvements and any suggestions for future guests. Thank you so much for listening. -Steven Bradley, MD

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