TBDP Bonus Episode: Season 1 Recap

In this Bonus Episode, I give a tiny peak behind the scenes of what makes #TBDP tick. First and foremost, thank you listeners for your support. To date, the TBDP has had >2,600 downloads and been streamed in over 26 countries.

I use this episode to thank each of the guests that appeared on the show. They were kind enough to give of their time and to share deep, heartfelt, and personal stories of failure and triumphs. 

Finally, I give a sneak preview of a couple of the changes coming during Season 2 of The Black Doctors Podcast, which starts the first Monday in September(the 7th). The podcast will continue with new episodes every Monday.

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TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. I personally produced and edited the music and audio. I welcome any ideas for improvements and any suggestions for future guests. Thank you so much for listening. Podcast available on apple podcasts, #Spotify, #Anchor and all major streaming platforms.