Psychiatrist and Certified Sex Therapist Providing Therapy for the Culture

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This episode of The Black Doctors Podcast features Dr. Natalia Fuller , a Psychiatrist and Certified Sex Therapist. She joins to share her story of the challenges she overcame to become a physician. She talks about the experiences that led her to specialize in Psychiatry. Dr. Fuller’s unique practice incorporates her specialized training in Sexual Therapy. She is able to address several social and public health issues through her work. She hosts workshops to educate students of all ages and backgrounds, from high school students to adult millenials.

Dr. Fuller is also an entrepreneur and mixed martial arts enthusiast. She shares the story of her brand, “Mind, Body, Sex ” which she built from the ground up.


If you or someone you know is interested in the field of mental health or Psychiatry? Are you concerned about the incidence of mental health issues in the Black community? Please listen to and share this episode. If you receive value from the show, please share, subscribe and leave a comment.

TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. In-house music and audio production, so any ideas for improvements or suggestions for future guests are welcome. Visit to learn more about our host. He is available for consultations or speaking engagements regarding health equity and medical ethics.