Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant: The Newest Member of the Anesthesia Care Team

This episode features Llalando Austin, Ed.D, MBA, CRRT, CAA. He joins us to share about the exciting and growing field of Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants. As the program director for Nova Southeastern University’s Tampa CAA training site, he provides an insiders perspective. Llalando also shares his unique journey with includes practicing as a Respiratory Therapist.

  • What is a Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (CAA) and what do they do?
  • How can you join this new and exciting field
  • Learn about the great work-life balance and compensation associated with becoming a CAA

Visit the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants website to learn more.

Check out the Nova Southeastern University website to learn more about their CAA program.

**This episode is sponsored by Laurel Road. Visit their website to see the incredible financial services they offer specifically for healthcare professionals.**

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